
1st Koaching Schedule

*Day 1: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 1
*Day 2: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 2 + Review quiz on Day 1+Day 2
*Day 3: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 3 + Review quiz on Day 1+Day 2+Day 3
*Day 4: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 4
*Day 5: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 5 + Review quiz on Day 4+Day 5
*Day 6: Normal Test on Day 1+Day 2+Day 3+Day 4+Day 5
*Day 7: Challenging Test on the PAST weeks' words.

*Answers for quizzes will be posted right away!
*Answers for tests will be posted exactly after 12 hours (If the test is updated on March 12th 10:49 P.M., its answers will be posted on March 13th 10:49 A.M.).


- Introduction to the First Koaching - Memorizing 3500 SAT/GRE words -

Dear Human visitors,

Welcome to my first koaching project, which will be to memorize 3500 SAT/GRE words!

If you are someone who has to prepare for SAT/GRE in a near future or wants to score higher in the exams by improving your vocabulary skill, but looking at the Barron's jumbo SAT prep book with its over 3500 words list in alphabetical order makes you nuts, you have come to the right place. Even though you do not fall under the following description, I heartily welcome any study buddies!

"...looking at the Barron's jumbo SAT prep book...3500 words list in alphabetical order makes you nuts"?

"You don't have to and are not supposed to study like a prisoner getting tortured."

Honestly, when I first looked at those SAT/GRE words, I could barely recognize two or three. However, I naively tried to conquer those new words by memorizing straight from A to Z, and had to stop before I could even see the word that starts with alphabet D. Some of you may be planning to do the same, but I highly do not recommend doing so because it is not only ineffective but also painful way of memorizing vocabulary. You don't have to and are not supposed to study like a prisoner getting tortured.

With me, you will find memorizing SAT/GRE words easy, manageable, and, the best of all, fun! Oh, don't misunderstand me as a crazy, lunatic bear. I am a perfectly normal Koala, so just relax and follow me carefully. Come here everyday, check the post, and participate by leaving comments, then you will have become the master of SAT/GRE vocabulary at the end.

I will share my personal tips and strategies for memorizing massive number of vocabulary and announce our study schedule soon (my blog will always be updated at 00:00:00 - Seoul, Korea), so feel free to subscribe my blog.

If you have any questions regarding SAT/GRE or suggestions, please feel free to send email to "".

Thank you for visiting Koach Koala, and I look forward seeing you again!


From. Koach Koala