
1st Koaching Schedule

*Day 1: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 1
*Day 2: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 2 + Review quiz on Day 1+Day 2
*Day 3: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 3 + Review quiz on Day 1+Day 2+Day 3
*Day 4: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 4
*Day 5: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 5 + Review quiz on Day 4+Day 5
*Day 6: Normal Test on Day 1+Day 2+Day 3+Day 4+Day 5
*Day 7: Challenging Test on the PAST weeks' words.

*Answers for quizzes will be posted right away!
*Answers for tests will be posted exactly after 12 hours (If the test is updated on March 12th 10:49 P.M., its answers will be posted on March 13th 10:49 A.M.).

Thursday, March 24

Today's Words - Week1 Day3

AC/ACR(sharp, bitter)

adj. (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree; reaching climax rapidly
Ex) As the baby-boom generation approached the age of twenty, the acute housing shortage became a major issue.
adj. having or showing a perceptive understanding or insight; shrewd
Ex) Many young people today have an amazingly acute awareness of changing fashion.
adj. (angle) less than 90 degree
Ex) The angle less than 90 degree is called "acute angle.
Tip. From ab- 'away' + ducere 'to lead'

2. ACERBIC [uh-SUR-bik]
adj. (esp. of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright
Ex) John is a famous movie critic for his acerbic comments; his sharp opinions have made many movie directors and actors nervous.
adj. (Archaic or Technical) tasting sour or bitter
Ex) Although Mary's foods are known for their acerbic taste, her boyfriend always flatters her by saying "Ummm... Ummm... Ummm... it's so yummy!"
Tip. From Latin acerbus "sour tasting" + -ic

3. EXACERBATE [ig-ZAS-er-beyt]
[transitive] v. (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) make worse
Ex) Her diarrhea was exacerbated after eating an icy, cold ice cream.
Tip1. From ex- 'harsh, bitter' + acerbus 'harsh, bitter'
Tip2. Don't confuse with exasperate, which means to irritate.

4. ACRID [AK-rid]
adj. having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell
Ex) Ammonia is known for its acrid smell.
Tip. acer- 'sharp, pungent' + -id

5. ACRIMONIOUS [ak-ruh-MOH-nee-uhs]
adj. (speech or debate) angry or bitter
Ex) The members of Korean Congress are known for their avid spirit; however, their excessive enthusiasm often make their speech acrimonious.
Tip. From acer-, acri- 'pungent' + monious

6. ACUMEN [uh-KYOO-muhn]
n. the ability to make good judgements and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain
Ex) One of the factors that CEO (Chief Executive Officer) should have is the business acumen.
Tip. From Latin acuere- 'sharp'

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Word Smart II 3rd Edition, The New Oxford American Dictionary, and Koach Koala.

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