
1st Koaching Schedule

*Day 1: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 1
*Day 2: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 2 + Review quiz on Day 1+Day 2
*Day 3: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 3 + Review quiz on Day 1+Day 2+Day 3
*Day 4: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 4
*Day 5: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 5 + Review quiz on Day 4+Day 5
*Day 6: Normal Test on Day 1+Day 2+Day 3+Day 4+Day 5
*Day 7: Challenging Test on the PAST weeks' words.

*Answers for quizzes will be posted right away!
*Answers for tests will be posted exactly after 12 hours (If the test is updated on March 12th 10:49 P.M., its answers will be posted on March 13th 10:49 A.M.).

Wednesday, March 23

Today's Words - Week1 Day2

AB/ABS(off, away from, apart, down)

v. to take away illegally by force or deception; kidnap
Ex) That more than thirty percent of child abduction occurred in school zones shocked people, and urged the government to take an action immediately.
Tip. From ab- 'away' + ducere 'to lead'

2. ABHOR [ab-HAWR] regard with disgust and hatred
Ex) Sam is a pacifist: he abhors any kinds of war.
Tip. From ab- 'away' + horrere 'to shudder'

3. ABOLISH [uh-BOL-ish]
v. formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution); nullify
Ex) The income tax was supposed to be abolished after the Second World War was over, but many Western governments decided to keep it even after the war.
Tip. From Latin abolere- 'destroy'

adj. existing in thought or an idea but not having a physical or concerte existence.
Ex) Many poems deal with abstract concepts such as love or beauty.
v. to consider theoretically or separately from something else.
Ex) Historians need to be able to abstract the various aspects of the past culture from its historical context.
v. to extract or remove (something)
Ex) Scientists after the Industrial Revolution tried to invent a better application to abstract more water from steams.
v. make a written summary of (an article or book)
Ex) A librarian indexes and abstracts material for an online database.
n. a summary or statement of the contents of a book, article, or formal speech.
Ex) The manager emphasized that the abstracts be written as concise as possible.
n. (the abstract) that which is abstract; the theoretical consideration of something.
Ex) The abstract must be made concrete by examples.
Tip. From ab- 'from' + trahere 'draw off'

5. ABNORMAL [ab-NAWR-muhl]
adj. deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
Ex) The illness is reconizable from the patient's abnormal behavior.
Tip. From ab- 'away' + normal

6. ABSTINENT [AB-stuh-nuhns]
adj. restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically alcohol.
Ex) He has been abstinent of alcohol only for two days, but his hands begin to shake.
Tip. From ab- 'from' + tenere'hold'

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Word Smart II 3rd Edition, The New Oxford American Dictionary, and Koach Koala.

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