
1st Koaching Schedule

*Day 1: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 1
*Day 2: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 2 + Review quiz on Day 1+Day 2
*Day 3: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 3 + Review quiz on Day 1+Day 2+Day 3
*Day 4: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 4
*Day 5: 6 New Words will be updated + Daily quiz on Day 5 + Review quiz on Day 4+Day 5
*Day 6: Normal Test on Day 1+Day 2+Day 3+Day 4+Day 5
*Day 7: Challenging Test on the PAST weeks' words.

*Answers for quizzes will be posted right away!
*Answers for tests will be posted exactly after 12 hours (If the test is updated on March 12th 10:49 P.M., its answers will be posted on March 13th 10:49 A.M.).

Saturday, March 26

Today's Words - Week1 Day5

ACT/AG(todo, to drive, to force, to lead)
1. AGENT [uh-dapt]
1. a person who acts on behalf of another, in particular.
Ex) Many travelists see the quality of travel agents when looking for a tourist company.
2. a person or thing that takes an active role or produces a specified effect.
Ex) The reasearch showed that young companies not old ones, are the main agents of increase in GDP.
Tip. From ag- 'to do' + -ent
2. AGILE [ad-heer]
adj. able to move quickly and easiliy
Ex) John is as agile as a monkey when he climbs a tree.
Tip. From Latin agilis, from agere 'do'

3. LITIGATE [uh-join]
v. [intransitive] go to law; be a party to a lawsuit
[transitive] take (a claim or a dispute) to a court of law
Ex) The company's long delays in compensating the damage caused by its products increased the customers' urge to litigate.
Tip. From Latin litigat-, from lis, lit- 'lawsuit'

4. PRODIGIOUS [uh-duhl-tuh-ree]
adj. remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
Ex) An airconditioner consumes a prodigious amount of electricity.
Tip. From Latin prodigiosus, from prodigium 'portent'

5. DEMAGOGUE [uh-loor]
n. a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
Ex) Many historical dictators were demagogues who drove people with a popular want.
Tip. From demos- + agogos 'leading'
6. EXIGENT [n. al-oi,  v. uh-loi]
adj. [formal] pressing, demanding
Ex) Lybians' exigent demand of Qadafi's stepping down was met with brutal military violence.
Tip. From Latin exigent- 'completing, ascertaining'

Study Hard, and Score Higher! Please leave comments by making example sentences on your own!
Word Smart II 3rd Edition, The New Oxford American Dictionary, and Koach Koala.

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